Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So I'm sad to say I'm addicted to the TV show the BIGGEST LOSER. It's sad but true. Last night was the first time I had to watch it alone. (Because certain people - Joye - abandoned me). I knew it was bad last night when I was literally shaking because I was so mad at Vicky and Brady, what brats! Anyway, I thought it was great that Brady got sent home. Go Amy!! I've thought that now that I know it is an addiction maybe I should stop watching, NOT!!! I will watch the BIGGEST LOSER every week with my fattening snack in hand. I may have a nervous breakdown this season watching it but I will endure!!!!


Anonymous said...

We will just have to have a Biggest Loser party every Tues. You know I am already down on that day. Micah can work later right?

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you got a blog. I sure miss watching it with you! Hope all is well I love you! Lyns

laurakrummenacher said...

Mary, anytime you are in town you can join us with our icecream and cookies while we watch The Biggest Loser. I was so mad at that dumb Vicky. Don't like Heba either! I would love for Amy to win.